
Showing posts from 2015

Learning Map Reading and Navigation

Map Reading and Navigation Courses Being able to navigate accurately through the countryside, moorland and mountains is an essential skill that all walkers should have if they want to stay safe. Navigation Training on Eyam Moor Looking at the different maps for walkers Having the ability to look at a map and plan a route, knowing what the map is telling you about the terrain and having a good idea of how long it will take to walk the route are good map reading skills.   Navigating efficiently around the planned route takes the skills on a stage further. All of these skills can be self taught through books, videos and practice. However learning from experts can give you added knowledge and the benefit of years of experience and topical advice (i.e. which way to get out of the car park or what to do when the map shows one path but on the ground there are two). Successfully Using a Compass to Navigate At Peak NavigationCourses we have a range of...

Night Navigation Courses

Night Navigation Courses Being caught out whilst walking either in the dark or in the mist can be a frightening experience unless you have learnt the skills and strategies to cope with such eventualities. The Joys of Night Navigation Practice Trig Points make a good map table Of course being able to map read and navigate using a map and compass are essential skills for safe walking the hills and mountains. It is only a short step from being a competent daytime navigator to being able to cope with navigating in poor visibility.  Also, like with any skill set, it is a good idea to get out and practice occasionally to ensure that you still have the confidence to navigate in the dark or the mist. Anyway, Night Navigation is fun and certainly a good alternative to staying in and watching t.v.!! Challenging Moorland on "Big Moor" With the nights drawing in, Peak Navigation Courses have a programme of short evening courses aimed at teachin...

Wind Chill and Lapse Rate in British Mountains

Wind Chill and Lapse Rate Walking from my house situated at 300m a.s.l. in the Peak District today I was struck by how cold and damp it was. O.K. it’s January in the U.K. but it felt really cold. Suitably dressed for a cold day navigating on Kinder Scout There are two common factors that have an effect on the temperature whilst walking in British Hills. Wind Chill and the Lapse Rate. Why do we do it? 1.             Lapse Rate A lot has been written scientifically and in depth about Lapse Rate. There is a good paper from Bangor University.  However it is essentially the amount that air temperature decreases as you gain altitude. Although there are variables such as whether the air is dry or saturated, generally the temperature decreases around 6.5 degrees C per 1000m climbed. So for example if you were in Snowdonia, let’s say in Bangor at Sea Level and you were walking to Snowdon via Llanberis. ...