Learning Map Reading and Navigation

Map Reading and Navigation Courses

Being able to navigate accurately through the countryside, moorland and mountains is an essential skill that all walkers should have if they want to stay safe.

Navigation Training on Eyam Moor

Looking at the different maps for walkers
Having the ability to look at a map and plan a route, knowing what the map is telling you about the terrain and having a good idea of how long it will take to walk the route are good map reading skills.  Navigating efficiently around the planned route takes the skills on a stage further.

All of these skills can be self taught through books, videos and practice. However learning from experts can give you added knowledge and the benefit of years of experience and topical advice (i.e. which way to get out of the car park or what to do when the map shows one path but on the ground there are two).

Successfully Using a Compass to Navigate
At Peak NavigationCourses we have a range of courses to help people improve their skills whether starting from scratch (our 1st Steps Course) to those who are already an expert navigator (Navigation Masterclass). With several courses in between.

Our one day “1stSteps to Map Reading and Navigation Course” starts by assuming you know little or nothing!  Through the course of the day we give you an understanding of maps and which maps are most appropriate for walkers.  We show you how to plan a route, knowing how far it is and how long it will take to walk. We teach you how to use a compass and by the end of the day we leave you with the ability to cross open moorland.

After the course, we send you some practice routes so that you can go and practice the skills learnt on the day with an offer from us that should you have forgotten any of the techniques you can come back and spend some revision time with us.

Jane and Mike havebeen running Peak Navigation Courses since 2004. They are both qualified International Mountain Leaders regularly leading walking holidays both in the U.K. and overseas.

1st Steps to Map Reading and Navigation;
Navigation for Mature Walkers;
Moving onto Moorland;
Night (and Poor Visibility) Navigation;
Advanced Moorland Navigation; 
Navigation Masterclass;    and
National Navigation Awards.

Peak Navigation Courses also provide GPS Navigation Training on a 1:1 basis.

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